PRESS (Continued)
“The exhibit is a visual symphony of pellucid colors and animate textures. It is also a restorative metaphor on the inescapable upset that destabilizes our lives, stunting our growth or tempering our resistance. It’s a show, in other words, about fragility and flexibility, expressed in some of the most vivid colors nature allows.”—Kate Ramunni
“Cobb’s shots reveal an invisible entity by capturing its brutal and sublime impact on the world around it. … The thoroughness of Cobb’s stylization, techniques, and chosen subjects in her photographs all work together to create a thorough and complex portrait of an invisible force.”—Adam Ethan Berner
Torben Benner’s Dutch-language review of Mistral in Politiken.
“A new photography exhibit in Ketchum [Idaho] looks at the power of wind and how it changes a landscape. ... The exhibit of images, selections from her new book, include many windblown scenes: with people, snow, rain and clouds.”—Tom Michael
“I felt most intrigued that Rachel Cobb opted for still images in lieu of video for catching the wind. Although the moving picture records motion, it is the still photograph that makes us aware of time.”—Hans Durrer
Olga Bubich’s Russian-language review of Mistral in Bird in Flight.
“It is immediately evident upon viewing this book the amount of passion and doggedness it would require to chase something that is unseen. … The word mistral means ‘masterly.’ Cobb showcases her enormous talent in this book illustrating the masterful wind of Provence.”—Ellen Rodgers
“Award-winning New York-based photographer Rachel Cobb has spent years–decades, actually-chasing the wind. … What she has found, through the lens of her camera, is that this invisible force of nature is, at times, playful. Awe-inspiring. Destructive. Refreshing. Frightening. And utterly beautiful.”—Jana Hoops
“[The Mistral] knows no borders … It can blow all the way to Africa.
But Cobb’s eye is trained on Provence and in her book she tries to capture
the invisible force that blows through the region and the effect it has on the place
and on its people.”
“Após anos no encalço do vento Mistral, Cobb se familiarizou com seus ritmos e efeitos, percebendo não se tratar apenas de um fenômeno meteorológico, mas de um componente essencial da vida provençal.” Juliana Domingos de Lima’s review of Mistral in the Portuguese-language publication Nexo Jornal.
Coverage by of the Mistral exhibition at KMR Arts.